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Omagh County Primary School, Omagh, County Tyrone

News - Year 4

2017/2018 School Year

16th Nov 2017
This week we celebrated 'World Nursery Rhyme Week' by holding a special sleepy Rhyme...
15th Nov 2017
On Wednesday 15th November P4 visited The Ulster American Folk Park to find out...
7th Nov 2017
Most people believe you don’t need to worry about lessons or homework until...
3rd Nov 2017
Primary four had great fun today with the Active Learning Company, finding out about...
26th Oct 2017
We were proud to present a cheque to 'Jack and Jill Playgroup' who lost all of their...
26th Oct 2017
25th Oct 2017
100 pupils from Omagh County Primary School walked to school this morning as part...
19th Oct 2017
Thank you to all who attended our Harvest Assembly and Tea Party this morning. We...
19th Oct 2017
All the little pumpkins at our Halloween Rhyme Time today were more sweet than spooky!...
18th Oct 2017
We put all the freshly blown leaves to good use in P4 today!  Our Lego figures...