Gold Health Action Award

In 2011 Omagh County PS was the highest scoring primary school in the Western Area in the Action Cancer Gold Health Awards.
In 2018-19 the school and nursery were once again Gold and Bronze Health Action Awards retrospectively
The school was applauded for its:
- Whole school approach to health promotion, its effective pastoral care system and the way in which achievements and success is celebrated
- The way in which pupils are included in decision making and how their views and opinions are taken into consideration, how the school collaborates and works with outside agencies and those in the local community and the way the school has worked to enhance its physical environment.
- The judging panel were also impressed with the way in which healthy snacks and lunchboxes are promoted and the extensive and wide range of sports offered through P.E and as extra-curricular activities, and how
- active, positive play was promoted in all playgrounds

Omagh County Primary School, Campsie Rd, Omagh, County Tyrone BT79 0AJ | Phone: 028 8224 2642