What we've been told...

Omagh County Primary School and Nursery is noted for its excellence of provision and its high achievements in the education of the whole child.
Below are some key points from the latest reports about our school-
British Dyslexia Foundation Report
- Omagh County Primary School has maintained their BDA Dyslexia Friendly Quality Mark to a very high standard.
- Dylexia friendly practice is firmly embedded within the school's approach to teaching.
- Class teachers know the indicators of dyslexia and strategies for support.
- Pupils with dyslexia are taught about the nature of their difficulty where appropriate.
Inspection Report
- The children are mannerly and their behaviour is exemplary.
- The school’s performance data shows that most children, including those who require additional support with aspects of their learning, make good progress in English and mathematics in line with their ability or above expectation.
- In the foundation stage, they are highly independent and respond very well to the learning activities which promote effectively thinking skills and self-management.
- The quality of the provision in the nursery unit is very good. The attractive, stimulating and caring learning environment provided in the nursery unit promotes effectively the children’s language development, decision-making and self-management skills. The very good staff interactions with the children ensure that opportunities for learning through play, daily routines and group story sessions are exploited fully.
- The children in the learning support centre interact well with each other and respond eagerly to the skilful questioning and interaction with staff. They are making very good progress in their levels of independence, language development, confidence with numeracy and in their personal, social and physical skills.
- The effective practice across the school is characterised by the supportive learning environment in all classes, the intended learning made clear for the children, the range of practical learning strategies to engage the children and develop their learning and the use of feedback to consolidate the learning. In the most effective practice, the teachers use skilful questioning to challenge and extend the children’s creative and critical thinking.
- The teachers’ planning is comprehensive and importantly makes connections across the curriculum.
- The whole-school programme and planning for literacy and numeracy is effective and provides for progression in the children’s knowledge, skills and understanding.
- The pastoral care within the school, nursery unit and learning support centre is very good, evidenced through the welcoming, inclusive ethos and positive working relationships at all levels. The staff provide a safe and caring learning environment in which the children feel valued, work well together and respect the views and opinions of others.
- The school gives very good attention to promoting healthy eating and physical activity, through a wide range of appropriate extra-curricular activities that encourage the children to adopt healthy lifestyles while promoting academic development.
- Leadership and management at all levels is effective in raising standards attained by the children, using their knowledge of the needs of children in a changing context to target priorities for improvement. An important strength is the development of a wide leadership team to increase the collegial approach to school improvement and to build the capacity of staff further.
- The school has strong links with the local and wider community that benefit both the school and the community. A particular strength is the partnership with local post-primary schools whose post-16 pupils support the children’s learning in French and physical education. The school has achieved the Action Cancer Health Gold Award, Eco-schools Green Flag and the children engage with Young Enterprise NI across the key stages.
Parent Questionaires-
- Omagh County has always been an excellent school with a very fair and caring approach. I highly commend the teachers and other school staff.
- My son really enjoys school.
- My child enjoys school. I receive a lot of positive feedback from school and from my child about school.
- Omagh County has a very good policy where parents can meet with the teacher before the class begins and that their door is always open if the need arises.
- I always feel welcome in OCPS, the teachers have never made me feel unwelcome. All teachers are very approachable and ready to listen.
- My son speaks Polish and the same is demanded of him as other children, so that my child has started talking and reading in English and for that I thank you.
- I am very happy with the teaching methods at the school.
- I believe the teaching staff have effectively identified my child’s learning style and incorporated these into her school work to maximise her learning and feeling of self achievement.
- I am happy with the way the school can inspire children to unlock their full potential both academically and non-academically.
- The school is doing a great job in educating its pupils. I think some time could be utilised in educating parents willing to participate and support school ethos, so that standards are maintained. I am unsure as to how this could be done perhaps starting a parent walking group could be a simple platform to generate a wide range discussion group.
- This is the third school our children have attended and they enjoy OCPS the best.
- My child’s experience at OCPS to date has been very positive and happy.
- I think OCPS is a fantastic school. My children have always done so well as the teachers really do work hard with them so that they can achieve their best.
Pupil Questionaires-
- Everyone in my class is nice to me because when I am sad and cry they help me
- Everyone is nice
- I feel happy at school because it is a happy environment
- I have lots of friends at school
- I have always been happy at OCPS
- I really like this school and feel happy here.
- My teacher makes me happy
- I love school
- School is fun
- I feel happy at school because I like my teacher
- School is something I look forward to
- I get to do a lot of things I like and am good at
Omagh County Primary School, Campsie Rd, Omagh, County Tyrone BT79 0AJ | Phone: 028 8224 2642