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Omagh County Primary School, Omagh, County Tyrone

Year 1 off to infinity and beyond with their friends from Holy Family

31st Jan 2025

The boys and girls in Year 1 continue to enjoy exploring all things space. Over the past two weeks,  they have…

  • Designed and built rockets using the everyday 3D shapes found in the different packets and packaging from home.
  • Made cylinder shaped telescopes (another 3D shape they’re learning to recognise) and also created party hats. Can you remember the name of the 3D shape your hats are made from? (It’s the same shape you might buy to eat an ice cream)
  • Investigated the properties of water, making lava lamps. Can you remember which was heavier, the water or the oil? 
  • Practised hula hooping like Saturn. 

On Friday 31st January, we were very excited to catch up with our friends from Holy Family. Ms Bunce’s class hosted Mrs Campbell’s class at Hill at the High, while it was Mrs Pollock’s class turn to board the bus to Happy Hill. What a lovely way to end the week!

Have a well deserved rest over the weekend Year 1!