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Omagh County Primary School, Omagh, County Tyrone

World Book Day

27th Feb 2021

Thursday 4th March is World Book Day, so next week all our home learning will focus on books and reading. Every year group have lots of interesting and fun activities in their weekly overviews and so to join in the fun every day next week one of our members of staff will read a story to all our boys and girls. Can you guess who might read the story on Monday? Which story do you think they might read?
On 2nd March at 10:30am, we will join David Walliams and Blue Peter presenter Lindsey Russell for a virtual school assembly for World Book Day and our Thursday assembly is all about another very familiar author, Dick King Smith. A great week to remind us all, especially as lockdown continues, how “Reading gives us someplace to go when we have to stay where we are” Mason Cooley