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Omagh County Primary School, Omagh, County Tyrone

Official Opening of Hill at the High

21st Jun 2024

Thank you to everyone who joined us for the official opening of “The Hill at the High”. We were delighted to have Leigh McKay from the UTU to cut our official ribbon. She was joined by Eliza, from Year 1 and Ben Dempsey, Head Boy of Omagh High School and past pupil of OCPS.
Mr James Anderson, a long standing member of OCPS staff and past pupil of OHS planted a tree to mark the occasion.
We are delighted to have this area to facilitate our outdoor play and learning and the afternoon allowed parents to share in some of the activities their children undertake, such as making bug motels and planting.It 
also gave us as a school the opportunity to thank everyone who helped us from both within our own school and wider community who helped us maximise the space at the “Hill at the High”        
Our boys and girls were thrilled to have Mario, Poppy and the ice cream van all in their favourite place. A little bit of rain certainly didn’t dampen their spirits. Thank you also to OHS for providing refreshments in the gallery for all in attendance. It really was a super ending to the week.

Some individuals who deserve a special mention;

  • Barry Green & Sorcha Mulholland Education Authority.
  • Mr Gaitatzis Omagh High School 
  • Our own Early Years staff at OCPS

Victor Ewing & Adrian Pollock (spent their Christmas holidays completing ground works and put in the slide, swing, steps, digging area and many odd jobs along the way) Alistair Hyndman (installing our water butts) • Arnold Sproule (supplying and delivering tyres) Jimmy and Richard (never saying ‘no’ and their help preparing for the opening) John Crawford (providing top soil and helping to clean) Ben Dempsey (painting flower pots) Noel C Moore (sponsoring the woodland area) Jade and Ben Frost and Family (sponsoring the mud kitchen and creative atea) Miss Bleakley (painting the signs)

Building contractors:
Wayne, Noel & Ross at ‘Built with Kerr’ (stepping stones, stone pit materials and allowing us to borrow the odd wheelbarrow or block at timesfrom next door!) Mark Cochrane (signs and physical development area) Jordan Armstrong from Oghill Farm Woodwork (new mud kitchen)

Local businesses;

Whites toy shop Omagh (spades and wheelbarrows) Specsavers Strabane (Hi-Vis Jackets) John Devine (bark) and Charlie Nethery, CBS, for the use of the lorry.

Also a big thank you to the many parents from our own school community (too many to name) who kindly donated items and money, volunteered their time and gave so generously at our various fundraising events.

The mums and dads who wash those muddy puddle-suits every week and never complain!! Who have supported the project so enthusiastically.

Team OCPS!!