OCPS Goes Green!

From 27th April - 1st May OCPS turned green in a bid to raise awareness of environmental issues. The Eco-club organised a number of activities throughout the week. Everyone was invited to design a wellie and Lydia (P1), Poppy (P4) and Ayla (P7) won a gardening goodie-bag. We also invited every class to make Green Pledges about one thing they were going to do differently in order to make our school and our world more environmentally friendly.
On Thursday we left our school uniform at home and everyone wore something green - we had some weird and wonderful outfits!! Thanks to TC Autos we got to have a close look at an electric car and we also guessed the number of balloons that Miss Lockington put in the car. Congratulations to Adam and Harvey who correctly guessed the number of balloons.
The Eco-club would like to thank everyone for getting involved during Green Week. They plan to use the money raised to buy seeds and plants for the school garden, as well as using some money to support the P6 Envrionmental Trip to Castlewellan.
Omagh County Primary School, Campsie Rd, Omagh, County Tyrone BT79 0AJ | Phone: 028 8224 2642