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Omagh County Primary School, Omagh, County Tyrone

Nursery Rhyme Week

20th Nov 2020

This week in Nursery we sang the nursey rhyme 'Mary, Mary Quite Contrary' while we planted spring bulbs, we played a 'feely bag' game where we picked a toy out of a bag and sang a nursery rhyme to match and we made a video for our families singing some of our favourite nursery rhymes.

We know that singing nursery rhymes helps support our language development and our early literacy and numeracy skills. Why not try the 'feely bag' game at home? It's surprising what nursery rhymes you can think of to match everyday objects! 

Some ideas for your feely bag:

Toy kettle - Polly Put the Kettle On

Toy sheep - Baa Baa Black Sheep 

Spoon - Hey Diddle Diddle

Toy cow - Old MacDonald Had a Farm

Teddy Bear - Round and Round the Garden

Have fun everybody!