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Omagh County Primary School, Omagh, County Tyrone


2020/2021 School Year

17th Jun 2021
Today P4 enjoyed a fantastic trip to our Forest School in Arleston Park. The pupils...
17th Jun 2021
P4 had lots of fun today exploring our forest school. Ask us what clues we found...
16th Jun 2021
What a great day Year 2 had at school! A trip to the park to see our exciting Forest...
11th Jun 2021
On Wednesday Years 4 and 5 held their Sports Day! Pupils participated in sprint,...
11th Jun 2021
What a fantastic day today in Nursery and Year 1. Well done to all the boys and...
11th Jun 2021
Lots of active learning in Room 4 this week. We have been enjoying lots of play...
10th Jun 2021
We visited the forest yesterday afternoon at Arleston Park. We had great fun exploring...
10th Jun 2021
We all had a great time on Sports Day. We raced our friends, jumped high in sacks,...
10th Jun 2021
A little rain today certainly didn't dampen the spirits of OCPS as 'Rhyme Time'...
10th Jun 2021
Smiles all around at sport's day today! Year 2 enjoyed trying their best, not giving...