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Omagh County Primary School, Omagh, County Tyrone


2022/2023 School Year

1st Jun 2023
Well, the sun shone in Glenpark Estate today as Room 6 joined forces with Arvalee...
1st Jun 2023
In May we had three Bank Holidays and school was closed.  Monday 8th May was...
1st Jun 2023
Check out what we will be getting up to in After School Club this month! Reminder: There...
31st May 2023
Today, Year 1 got to take on the role of 'teacher' as they led their grown-up's on...
31st May 2023
We’ve been incredibly busy in After School Club during April and May. We’ve...
30th May 2023
Our rugby team took part in the Kingspan Festival of Rugby at Kingspan Stadium in...
30th May 2023
We took a team of P6 and P7 pupils to the Station Centre in Omagh to take part in...
27th May 2023
P2 took full advantage of the fabulous sunflowers that Miss Bleakley gave us by using...
26th May 2023
We had dinosaurs everywhere today in Nursery! We built dinosaurs, explored their...
26th May 2023
This week, we were learning all about 'Famous Bears' in Year 1. We had lots of fun... Making...