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Omagh County Primary School, Omagh, County Tyrone


2020/2021 School Year

26th Apr 2021
Year 4 have been taking part in a project called the Chain of Love which is being...
26th Apr 2021
Room 11 enjoyed taking part in science club today after school. Today we looked...
23rd Apr 2021
The boys and girls of Room 12 had a wonderful Friday afternoon outdoors.  ...
23rd Apr 2021
We have been busy this week preparing the vegetable and flower patches in the Year...
23rd Apr 2021
So, what do you do when your bubble bursts. You keep learning of course!!! P4 had...
22nd Apr 2021
Lots of interesting play this morning at the start of their new topic ‘Wash...
22nd Apr 2021
Miss Lockington's Year 5s had a great afternoon in the school garden. We enjoyed...
22nd Apr 2021
Room 11 have been taking time to look at instructional writing. Today we wrote a...
22nd Apr 2021
Today is World Earth Day and the boys and girls in Nursery completed some more activities...