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Omagh County Primary School, Omagh, County Tyrone

"Guess How Much I Love You?" in Year 1!

4th Feb 2022

This week in Year 1 we started our new topic..."Guess How Much I Love You?" We have been enjoying exploring the theme in our play and in our written work. We have been learning about 'Money'. Next week we are looking forward to going to Bob & Bert's to use real money to buy a Valentine's treat. Yum Yum!

We had lots of fun playing scientists and making jelly in the classrooom. We experimented with different temperatures of water to see if we could change the jelly cube. The hot water worked best. As a Friday treat we enjoyed tasting our jelly and describing how it looked and felt. What a scrummy way to start the weekend.

Have a lovely weekend everyone!

Mrs Pollock & Ms Bunce

*Reminder - PE on Monday as we have a Sport's Workshop with Aubrey*