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Omagh County Primary School, Omagh, County Tyrone

Year 7 Colour Run 2024

7th Jun 2024

Today, Year 7 headed to Arleston Park for their Colour Run swiftly followed by the rest of the school to cheer them on. The girls and boys were suitably dressed, goggles at the ready and very excited to take to the paths for their run. Of course before anyonce could set off some colour was added!

There were cheers and squeals of excitement all around as our Year 7 Leavers made their way around the track. Even the staff joined in throwing paint!

When everyone got back to school, there was an ice cream van waiting for the children, kindly organised by the PTFA.

A fantastic day was had by everyone and Year 6 are already looking forward to next year when it's their turn!