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Omagh County Primary School, Omagh, County Tyrone


30th Aug 2024
Welcome back to After-School everyone! We are so excited to see everyone again and...
26th Sep 2024
Year 3 started their Show and Tell rota, where Luke and Kayden enjoyed sharing their...
26th Sep 2024
Today, Rhyme Time returned to OCPS for the new academic year! We were delighted...
23rd Sep 2024
P2 have been enjoying indoor and outdoor play this month.  Have a look at some...
23rd Sep 2024
After our disastrous attempt at making kipper's cake, P2 finally got it right when...
23rd Sep 2024
As part of our 'Let's Celebrate' topic, we wanted to make a cake.  We read 'The...
23rd Sep 2024
We have enjoyed celebrating P2 achievements in Show and Tell. We heard of certificate...
20th Sep 2024
Today marks the end of Good Relations Week 2024 .  To celebrate our longstanding...
20th Sep 2024
We were invited to take part in a football competition to celebrate International...
20th Sep 2024
It was a lovely week to get lessons off to a good start. Highlights of the week...
17th Sep 2024
Year 1 made the most of the beautiful weather this week by learning outdoors where...