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Omagh County Primary School, Omagh, County Tyrone

Year 6 and Year 7 discover the Uberheroes!

25th Mar 2022

This week, Years 6 and 7 were treated to a visit from Hope4Life NI who introduced them to the Uberheroes.

Uberheroes® is an early intervention, preventative model, using superhero themed comics and an interactive website, to tackle the subject of social & mental health issues within schools and community groups. 

The mental health issues are represented by the Villains covering topics like cyber-bullying. The Uberheroes® represent the characteristics that pupils ideally will emulate in their own lives to build positive wellbeing, such as - Resilience, Hope, Strength, Truth, Intelligence, Diversity and Social Inclusion…

The children were introduced to all the Uberheroes and what they do including what they represent in real terms. The Uberheroes are featured in comics created by Hope4Life NI with some help and ideas from children based on their own experiences.

The comic we all looked at was called 'Common Ground', based around cyber-bullying, hate speech, trolling and anger.

The children loved taking on roles and reading the comic together! Everyone then discussed the comic in depth and discussed the themes and issues, coming up with solutions and 'unpacking' the content, with important conversations around mental health and wellbeing.

The must improtant thing the children were asked to remember was about self-worth and recognising that they are loved and have value!

Thank you to all of the wonderful facilitators, including past pupil, Nadia Sayers! It was lovely to meet you all and the children thoroughly enjoyed the experience.