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Omagh County Primary School, Omagh, County Tyrone

Bakery Treats for Mrs Crosbie's Class!

24th Oct 2023
Room 6 enjoyed a visit to Bakewells bakery today as part of their World Around Us Topic! We enjoyed seeing the big ovens and BIG bags of flour to make the bread and told Megan about the famous fire in London a long time ago!
Florence loved telling the baker how it all started in a bakery in Pudding Lane on 2nd September 1666!

After a tour of the bakery, we enjoyed decorating a bun with lots of coloured icing, delicious sprinkles, marshmallows and colourful smarties! It was such a treat decorating our buns and eating them!

Thank you to Megan for answering lots of our questions and being so kind to us when we visited Bakewells today!