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Omagh County Primary School, Omagh, County Tyrone

Avast! Ahoy Matey!

27th Jun 2023

Arrrrrrrrrrrgh, shiver-me-timbers, what a day all the swashbucklers had in Primary three today! We loved performing in asssembly, singing our Pirate song and striking our pose as we strutted our stuff in our Fashion Show. It was great to share some of our pirate names with the other classes and scare them with our fearsome costumes and cutlasses!

After break, it was time to search for some treasure, both indoors and outdoors! It was fun following the clues to work out where those 'pieces of eight' were buried! There was an abundance of 'gold-bars' booty to hide into treasure chests for treats after lunch!

After lunch, Captain Crosbie and Captain Brown put all the crew through their paces in the hall, as they tried to recruit a fearsome crew! Pirates had to scrub the decks, walk the plank, run to the bow/stern, hit the deck and much more!

Pirate day ended with some arts and crafts, Chatterpix on the i-pads, followed by the very important GRUB and GROG to fill the hearty crew!

We hope you enjoy the photos!